Pictures of Sibton Park

If you just got here: Sibton Park is the boarding school in my book Blow Out the Moon --
a true story about an American girl who goes to boarding school in England.

This is the cover of the published book:

You can get it at amazon, barnesandnoble, etc. or in bookstores, and, in some places, at your local library.
If you read it, please write and tell me what you think!

I'll write back -- as you can see if you read the letters other people have written to me.

And if you read the book and like it, and then see it on a shelf in a bookstore
with only the title showing, please turn it so everyone can see the cover. (Many kids I know are doing this
and I think it's great!) If you do it, tell me so I can write and thank you.

Here are some pictures of the boarding school.

Some of the English girls at the school, wearing the striped dresses we wore on hot summer days.

The front gate -- you can see a little of the house, too. This is how Sibton Park looks from the road.

After you go in the front gate, you see this:

and then you get to the front door.

(I’ll show the backs and the sides of the house when I tell about the next day, because that’s when I saw them. They look much cozier than this.)

A dormitory at Sibton Park —not Nelson: Wellington





Two views of the big meadow

The paddock steps, with the Lower Garden
and part of the house in the background.

Click to see the steps close up.

More of the Lower Garden, with a different angle of the
house in the background:

You can use the map to see where all these things
were and what they looked like.

(When you click, the map gets bigger and has
more pictures attached to it.)

This is what I mean by the back of the fork.




Emmy (not wearing her hat) and I at the inn where we had lunch. My father took the picture from outside: they told us at the inn that the windows were hundreds of years old and I think they really were.

Clare on Frisky. They are in the stable yard; Miss Monkman is in the stable doorway.

To see the full-size photograph, click the little picture.


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